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Dr Anatalia In The Media

Read more about my award winning approach and ethos in published articles.

Head to my blog to read more in depth

What is core sleep?

Learn how and why sleep is so important for health and antiaging


Dryness, redness, itchiness- the unexpected signs that suggest deeper issues

Dr Anatalia explains how common skin concerns could actually point towards internal health issues

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Can you improve hormonal acne with diet?

Dr Anatalia explains how what you eat can impact skin health


Is beauty sleep real?

Learn how and why sleep is so important for health and antiaging


Why you should eat healthy fats

Diet impacts whole body health, mental health and skin health. Learn how to love fats and eat well


Beauty myths you should forget

The skin 'industry' is full of myths. Let's debunk some here together

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Wellness tips to beat the winter blues

Easy winter tips to get you and your skin feeling brighter

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How Aesthetics and Skin affect our Confidence

Why getting treatments like anti-wrinkle injections or dermal fillers isn't about vanity

patient smiling during treatment

How does sleep 'repair' your skin

Beauty sleep is a thing! Learn why you shouldn't skip on sleep if you want good skin

Why Is an Aesthetic  Consultation Important?

Take time to discuss things before you go under the needle.

Dr Anatalia and patient talk

Sunscreens- what are the best ones, how to apply them and whey we should!

Here are the spfs experts recommend and why

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Should you jump on skin care trend band-wagons?

Are any useful?

Can they harm your health?

Read my article helping you navigate the world if skinfluencers

Understand why we bruise and why as we age skin becomes more delicate

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Find out what happens in your skin and face to cause bags under your eyes.

Can you eat your way to a healthier skin?

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Sleep is integral, not just for us to feel awake but for our whole mind and body.

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Top Tips For Looking After Yourself This Winter

Winter can take its toll, on your skin, body and mental health. Take control this winter.

woman in a hat in winter
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