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Lip Filler

Lip filler CAN and SHOULD be natural and subtle.  

Even small changes can balance natural features of your face and refresh your smile.


Dr Anatalia administering lip filler

What are the benefits of lip filler?

The lips are a key feature of our face. 

As we age the lips can become thinner and less plump.

Some people naturally have thinner lips that have less projection than others.

Balance and harmony of all features is achieved when lips are in proportion.

By considering all your features, carefully placed lip filler can 

- rejuvenate and refresh aging lips

- rehydrate lips

- bring nose and chin profiles into harmony

- balance the whole face

How do you achieve natural lip filler?

  • I carefully assess the balance of your whole features.

  • I respect the natural shape and anatomy of your lips.

  • I pick fillers of the right texture to integrate seamlessly with your lips both at rest and when you smile

  • I try to use the smallest volumes to achieve the most results.

  • I create a treatment plan that can include using Antiwrinkle treatments as a lip flip, or skin boosters which can subtly volumise lips without or by reducing need for fillers.

for lip filler

Lip Filler by Dr Anatalia Moore, Top 10 in Manchester
Be Beautiful. Stay Safe

Only Premium Products which have undergone rigorous medical studies and have a strong evidence base are used. All are sourced purely from medical aesthetic pharmacies. 

All dermal fillers should keep you looking like you and respect your natural anatomy. 
I will always make sure you know all treatment options available and aim to minimise product use and maximise results.

Before and Afters

Look below for some beautiful client pictures

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